Monsy's Place
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sometimes I do fun things
This weekend wasn't one of those times when I do fun things. A kinda packed weekend, but not necessarily an enjoyable one. What a shame. Although I am preserving all my fun feelings at the moment, to be used during the next couple of weekends where I have lots of exciting trips planned.
Stay tuned...
This was a bit fun though - I had lunch with Sezzy and her posse. Sez and Sab were in town from Perth. Some of you may remember Sez and Sab from my previous post about my Perth Family - the McPharlin's.
Where in the world is...
Farnaz Sabet??

So that was a question I had in mind when Rach and I organised a little dinner date and she mentioned that Farnaz would be coming along! FUN!
We had a small dinner at my house with some lovely ladies - Marlee, Rach & Farnaz. I cooked some burritto's and we sat on my bed and chatted - doing some major catching up.
The answer to the question - Where in the world is Farnaz Sabet?? She is currently in Melbourne, after coming from Jordan and on her way to England.
Great to have you round Farnaz!
Monday, August 21, 2006
QLD the Sunshine State...
Friday night in Brisbane was spent in great company at a restaurant called Hot Plate with...

Sumars and Arman

May and Enoch

Mons Peddy and Sam
(I was the lucky one who had two dates!! Ok who am I kidding, we are the three and totally eligible might I add!)
After dinner we spent the night Salsa dancing...either dancing or checking out the dancers. I wish I had've taken some footage of the crazy people that were dancing - great to watch!!
Then I went and spent the night at Nooshin & Kiana's pad...where Foad's Little Helper was reunited with Nooshin.

This is Foad's Little Helper happily
hanging out in Melbourne

And this is what happened when I returned
him to Noosh and Ana was around
So anyway, Saturday was spent at MOVIEWORLD!!!!! Ana has all the pics, so I will add some later but here are a few that I had. Oh and I also have video footage of the Lethal Weapon ride...a ride that I totally didn't want to go on and it left me feeling pretty average for the rest of the day. And all you could hear me screaming was "I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE YOU!"
Saturday night I went to a Persian Restaurant and had Kebab!! YUM!!
Here are some of my new friends...Peddy's relatives...Jaffar, (ME), Iraj and Parvin.

And Sunday morning was a big sleep in and breakfast/lunch with the girls. Actually you can't even call 2pm lunchtime can you??
Kiana and I both scored eggs with 2 yolks...that's right, one egg = 2 yolks!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Safety Houses
Who remembers what a Safety House is? Let me refresh your memory...they were the houses you could go to if someone was following you or if something happened on your way to or from school. Remember now? What else do you remember about Safety Houses? The logo was a bright yellow picture of a house with a face on it. (Oh wow, that descrpition is spot on and very relative to my next point!) .
Tuesday night is my Women's Bball night. This particular Tuesday we had to get spare singlets as both teams had the same colour. So what colour do you think we end up wearing?! YELLOW! Now after all the comments that we made, firstly about how big the singlets were, the comment that topped it all off was at the end of the game when I finally decided what it is we looked like - You got it - SAFETY HOUSES!! What made it more funny was my reference throughout the match to "housing my 3 kids in this bloody singlet". And so there came the perfect analogy to our basketball game in yellow!

Monday, August 07, 2006
Hugo on Bridge Rd

We went and visited Monib and Caroline, walked around Richmond and stopped for some lunch at Chimmy's. There was a huge water bowl for Hugo to have a drink, while we sat and had some yum food and coffee.
Hugo managed to find a big bunch of sugar that had been spilt on the he is with his big tongue licking it all up!
After our stop, we walked along Bridge Rd where every passer by stopped to greet him. Needless to say Peddy and Nima were fighting over being able to hold Hugo's leash in pursuit of some attractive women!!
Our big Saturday ended at home in Lilydale, everyone coming over for a big feed of Kebab!
P.S. Check out the nice sunny weather that we had in Melb this weekend!! YAY!!

There has been a recent obsession amongst my friends to want to smash food onto someone's face. We all know it's no fun to do it to someone if they are expecting it, so check out this clip of me doing the dishes after Feast and Peddy making use of the leftover hommus!
And here is Peddy again...this time trying to get Nima with cheesecake. Let's just say we were all weary of each other after these attempts!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Reggie's B'day in Melb

Thanks to Dorny for sending me these pics...
These are some of the photos taken on Reggie's B'day.
We had dinner at Groove Train and had some yum cake after! there were lots of fun people who we had dinner with and some who even dropped by after.
We then ended up on Chapel St at Tryst and the Lucky Coq...and what a great night that was!!