QLD the Sunshine State...
Friday night in Brisbane was spent in great company at a restaurant called Hot Plate with...

Sumars and Arman

May and Enoch

Mons Peddy and Sam
(I was the lucky one who had two dates!! Ok who am I kidding, we are the three singles...hot and totally eligible might I add!)
After dinner we spent the night Salsa dancing...either dancing or checking out the dancers. I wish I had've taken some footage of the crazy people that were dancing - great to watch!!
Then I went and spent the night at Nooshin & Kiana's pad...where Foad's Little Helper was reunited with Nooshin.

This is Foad's Little Helper happily
hanging out in Melbourne

And this is what happened when I returned
him to Noosh and Ana was around
So anyway, Saturday was spent at MOVIEWORLD!!!!! Ana has all the pics, so I will add some later but here are a few that I had. Oh and I also have video footage of the Lethal Weapon ride...a ride that I totally didn't want to go on and it left me feeling pretty average for the rest of the day. And all you could hear me screaming was "I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE YOU!"
Saturday night I went to a Persian Restaurant and had Kebab!! YUM!!
Here are some of my new friends...Peddy's relatives...Jaffar, (ME), Iraj and Parvin.

And Sunday morning was a big sleep in and breakfast/lunch with the girls. Actually you can't even call 2pm lunchtime can you??
Kiana and I both scored eggs with 2 yolks...that's right, one egg = 2 yolks!

That was your bestest post ever coz all of my favourite people were in it!!!
hey mona! looks like we missed you when you came up, oh well, next time :)
glad to see you had a great time
amelia and shingo
love you.
Peddy and Sam look like nice guys. Why aren't you dating one of them? Specially the last pic...
oh wow anonymous. so many answers but i'm not sure which one to tell you. let's discuss further...when you tell me who you are.
i think u should just dedicate a post to me and fill me in on you and the boyz
MONAAA!!! i just saw these pics :) aw... that's soooo nice! those are really nice photos.. especially of armon and soulmaz (sooly)! hope to come visit in melbourne!
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