Perth invasion...
This week and last week we have seen quite a few Perthies make their way over to Melbourne. First of all my lil Julzy came and has been staying in my shoebox with me, and then Carmel and Dorna arrived, and then Lobna and Reggie touched down.
It has been very lovely to have them all visit me. Even though my place is a tiny crack in the wall. Carmel and Dorna came for a night visit at about 11:30pm one night on their way home. They brought over some bubbly (the non-alocholic sort of course!) and we cracked it open and shared a glass or two. What I thought was the funniest was that they were walking the streets of Melbourne holding what resembled a champagne bottle and looking rather lost as they were trying to find my apartment!! Here is a photo of us. Clearly you can tell I was in bed before they popped in...

And the next morning saw the arrival of Lobna and Reggie. They dropped in at 6:30am. Which was just delightful. They jumped into bed with Julia and I (Once again proving that four people CAN fit in my bed!). I decided to get up at 6:45am and start getting ready for work - a record if you ask me, as I don't think I have ever tried getting ready for work any earlier than 7:45am! But we decided it was a silly idea to be at work so early, so we all went for a lovely breakfast. Now THAT was a great start to the day...
mons.. when will i ever get to jump into your bed with you actually in it?
also ahem.. there should be a post dedicated to OUR lovely breakfast together last week.
although, it was a very special breakfast - maybe you're right to keep the details just for us.
my breakfast with you was more of a secret rendevous...the undercover pick up from the airport, whisking you away for breakfast before your long day of work ahead of you...why ruin the fantasy and tell everyone it was me who had breakfast with you...
Can we please acknowledge the look on Julia's face. I LOVE IT!
you lesbos.
to add to the perthies list: raj and katie (independant of each other)also popped in (to melbourne, not jafs' bed!) so us all as well as the ex-perthies/may-as-well-be-perthies made for... a lot of perth...
LOVE jafs' shoebox! LOVE the look on julz face- she really was happy that we were there!
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