Look what's sleeping on my floor
This is Nathan. If anyone could call himself my little brother it's this kiddo. My mum has looked after him since he was 6 months old and he has very much become part of the family.

Funnily enough, when I used to take him out with me, people thought that he was my kid. Can we please acknowledge how blonde he is and how not blonde I am!! Anyway, people used to ask me how old he was. I would look at him and ask, "How old are ya buddy?" and he'd look up, show me three fingers and respond "Three!" Quite funny and everyone just gets so confused by it.
Anyway, Nathan had a sleep over the other night and even though there were about 5 spare beds in the house, he wanted to sleep on the floor in my room. CUUUTE!!
HEY! thats MY floor kid!
was it cute when i didn't want to sleep in the spare rooms and i wanted to sleep on your floor?
was it? was it?
how come my pic didn't make the blog.. huh.
u slept on a futon doofus. this kid actually opted for the carpet!! (i was in sussie's room, not mine)
i like it when u sleep in my bed with me. u should do that more often!
i'm cuter than the kid.
actually i've rethought things.. the kid IS cute.. granted.
but i'm MUCH MUCH cuter.
gosh, im really really REALLY cute!
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